Dive into the world of discovery and excellence with the largest science competition in Malaysia. Kancil Science Competition had over 101,000 students from more than 5,000 schools who have already embarked on a thrilling scientific adventure since 2018! In Kancil 2024, there were 26,205 participants representing over 1,616 schools from all over Malaysia. This annual science competition is open to all primary, secondary, and pre-university students. This competition serves as a crucial stepping stone for students to be selected for the national team and represent Malaysia in the prestigious International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2025 that will be hosted in Russia.
Don’t miss the chance to be part of this scientific community. Join us in the Kancil Science Competition, where discovery knows no bounds, and the journey of scientific exploration is shared by thousands across the nation!
Registration can ONLY be made by the Teacher-in-charge in schools or tuition centers.
Mode of competition: Offline (paper-based). The competition will be conducted in the schools/tuition centers under the supervision of the teacher-in-charge
Competition date: 18 June 2025
Fee per student:
Visit https://kancilscience.my/ or our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/KancilScienceMalaysia for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs. Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nad) or 03-4142 0441 (Hotline).
IMONST is a national-level Mathematical Olympiad that tests the talent and skills of students in problem-solving and mathematical thinking, with all the thrilling questions that will bring out the best in the students.
Competition Date: 25 September 2025
Competition Time: 2:00PM - 4:45PM
Fee: RM50 per participant registering under school (RM45 for early-bird registration until May 1st 2025), RM60 per participant registering individually (RM54 for early-bird registration)
Competition Mode: Online
Language: English and Bahasa Melayu
IMONST categories:
Topics: Combinatorics, Geometry, Number Theory, Algebra
All IMONST participants will be eligible for PAJSK marks! Physical medals will be delivered to the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medalists, and all participants will receive physical and digital certificates.
IMONST winners will be able to represent Malaysia in various international mathematical competitions.
Please refer to the sample papers provided on our website below.
Visit https://imo-malaysia.org/imonst1/ for more info.
For assistance and inquiries, please get in touch with the following numbers:
011-26814143 (Mr Haziman), 018-3920204 (Mrs Surie), 018-3604143 (Mrs Jannah), 011-54081455 (Mr Zafree)
Beaver Computational Thinking Competition is an ONLINE competition that introduces computer science concepts and logical problem-solving to students. Beaver Computational Thinking Competition is a part of the International Bebras effort. As of 2024, nearly 4 million participants from more than 70 countries have participated in Beaver worldwide with 5,187 of them registered as participants from Malaysia. For more information on the Bebras initiative, visit www.bebras.org.
Type of registration:
1) School (by teacher-in-charge ONLY)
2) Individual (by parents/participant)
Competition date:
Fee per student:
Visit https://beaver.my/ or Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BeaverMalaysia/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at 018-3920204 (Mrs. Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nadhirah) / 03-41430572 (Hotline).
Islamic Schools Mathematical Olympiad, atau ISMO merupakan salah satu program pertandingan Olimpiad dalam peringkat pusingan pertama di bawah projek Mathematical Champions' Summit anjuran Jawatankuasa IMO Malaysia. Pertandingan ISMO ini disasarkan kepada murid-murid yang belajar di Sekolah Beraliran Agama Islam (SBAI) seluruh Malaysia. Sekolah-sekolah yang dianggap Sekolah Beraliran Agama Islam adalah melibatkan namun tidak terhad kepada SMKA, SMA/SAM, SBPI, MRSM Ul-Albab, sekolah-sekolah persendirian seperti Maahad Tahfiz dan juga sekolah-sekolah antarabangsa yang mempunyai aliran agama.
Pertandingan ini bertujuan untuk memilih dan mengetengahkan murid-murid yang mempunyai kepakaran matematik yang tinggi dalam kalangan murid sekolah beraliran agama Islam.
Program dalam talian ini mengambil masa selama 3 hari yang bermula dengan Bengkel Matematik Olimpiad sebagai persediaan untuk para peserta agar lebih memahami format dan bentuk soalan. Pada hari ketiga program ini, para peserta akan menjawab soalan-soalan Matematik Olimpiad. Pemarkahan dan pengumuman pemenang akan diberikan pada hari Sabtu minggu seterusnya.
Semua pelajar SBAI di Malaysia dijemput untuk menyertai ISMO, sebagai satu platform untuk mempelajari ilmu-ilmu matematik yang mendalam, teknik penyelesaian masalah, dan cara berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis.
Hanya peserta yang menduduki ujian ISMO sahaja akan menerima sijil.
Semua penerima pingat emas dalam penganugerahan individu daripada setiap kategori untuk ISMO akan dijemput menyertai pusingan kedua Projek MCS iaitu pertandingan Mathematical Champions’ Summit (MCS) secara percuma. Pertandingan MCS ini akan dijalankan secara bersemuka pada bulan November 2025 di tempat yang akan diumumkan. Makanan dan penginapan disediakan
Jenis Pendaftaran:
1) Sekolah (oleh guru yang bertugas SAHAJA)
2) Individu (oleh ibu bapa/peserta)
Tarikh akhir pendaftaran:
Tarikh bengkel:
Tarikh pertandingan:
Visit our website for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at 011-2681 4143 (Mr. Haziman) / 011-54081455 (Mr. Zafree) / 018-3920204 (Mrs. Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah)
School holidays are back! Unsure what to do during your school holiday? Looking for a fun and proactive way to spend time with friends? Let's join our KANCIL SCIENCE MASTERMIND CAMP during SCHOOL HOLIDAY now!
We excitedly inform you that we are organising KANCIL SCIENCE MASTERMIND CAMP just for you!
KANCIL SCIENCE MASTERMIND CAMP is tailored for two (2) different categories:
Kancil Science Competition requires smart strategies and clear plans to stand out. That’s why KANCIL SCIENCE MASTERMIND CAMP provides:
Don’t wait any longer! Join our KANCIL SCIENCE MASTERMIND CAMP and explore the wonders of science with us!
The registration period will end on January 31, 2025.
Discover exciting science experiments and activities! Visit kancilscience.my/mastermind-camp-2025 to learn more about our Kancil Science Mastermind Camp 2025.
The Geography Explorer Competition is a yearly online event for primary and secondary school students across Malaysia. It offers an exciting opportunity for students to explore and learn about the world around them through engaging challenges and activities.
Primary (Standard 4 up to Standard 6) & secondary school students (Form 1 up to Form 5) from all over Malaysia are invited to join this competition. The aim of this competition is to instill interest and to give exposure to students in this field.
The competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 12 December 2024
Competition date: 22 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 / Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Please follow academic year 2024/2025
Visit https://mygeo-olympiad.my for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nad) or 03-4142 0441(Hotline).
Economics Explorer Competition is an online-based competition for primary, secondary and pre-university students which aims to challenge students’ economics knowledge through economics, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and business.
Primary (Standard 4 up to Standard 6) & secondary school students (Form 1 up to Form 5) from all over Malaysia are invited to join this competition. The aim of this competition is to instill interest and to give exposure to students in this field.
The competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 12 December 2024
Competition date: 22 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & Pre-University / Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & Pre-University
Please follow academic year 2024/2025.
Visit https://myeo.my/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) or 03-4143 0572 (Hotline).
Biology Explorer Competition is an annual, online national school-level competition that introduces general knowledge about biology and life sciences.
This competition’s focus on students from Standard 4 up to Standard 6 (primary school) and Form 1 up to Form 6 (secondary school) allows for a broad range of participants with varying levels of academic backgrounds.
The aim of this competition is to encourage students’ interest and give exposure to students about biology and life sciences.
The competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 12 December 2024
Competition date: 22 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 / Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Visit https://mybo-olympiad.my/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) or 03-4143 0572 (Hotline).
Earth Explorer Competition is an annual, online national school-level competition that introduces general knowledge about the study of earth and neighboring planets in space.
Primary (Standard 4 up to Standard 6) & secondary school students (Form 1 up to Form 5) from all over Malaysia are invited to join this competition. The aim of this competition is to instill interest and to give exposure to students in this field.
The competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 12 December 2024
Competition date: 21 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 / Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Please follow academic year 2024/2025.
Visit https://myeso.com.my/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) or 03-4143 0572 (Hotline).
Language Explorer Competition is an annual, national level competition that introduces language and linguistics knowledge to primary school, secondary school and pre-university students in Malaysia. This competition aims to introduce the world of Language and Computational Linguistics as early as possible to the younger generations. The winners in secondary categories from this competition will be selected for the Malaysian Computational Linguistics Olympiad (MyCLO), and also Asia Pacific Linguistics Olympiad (APLO). Students will also have an opportunity to be trained by professionals in the linguistics field. MyCLO is a platform to choose the best eight students to represent Malaysia in the International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL).
Questions in Language Explorer Competition consist of basic language and computational linguistics such as basics syntax (the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language), sentences order, word order and basic phonetics (a branch of linguistics that studies how humans produce and perceive sounds, or in the case of sign languages, the equivalent aspects of sign). This competition consist of fill in the blank questions. All the data you need to crack the whole puzzle is in the question itself, thus, you are expected to sharpen your logical thinking skills. Questions can usually be answered using creative and critical thinking skills, so participants do not need to be multilingual. Computational Linguistics Competition can be describe as interesting puzzles using languages. No explanation is required in the first round. Students need to answer in the answer script provided by secretariat. There is 5 sets of questions with 20 marks each.
The Language Explorer Competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 12 December 2024
Competition date: 21 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2 , 3 , 4, 5 and 6 / Year 7, 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 & 12
Please follow academic year 2024/2025
Visit https://myclo.my/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) or / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nad) or 03-4142 0441(Hotline).
Galaxy Explorer Competition is an annual, online national school-level competition that introduces general knowledge about the study of everything in the universe that is beyond the Earth’s atmosphere (example: solar system, planets).
Primary and Secondary school students (Standard 4 until Form 5) from all over Malaysia are invited to join this competition. The aim of this competition is to instill interest and to give exposure to students in this field.
The competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 10 December 2024
Competition date: 21 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & Pre-University / Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 &12
Visit https://myao.my/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nad) or 03-4142 0441(Hotline).
Kangaroo Math Competition is currently the world's largest math competition with more than 6 million participants from 100 countries in 2024. Malaysia was inducted into AKSF in 2012 and is sanctioned by AKSF to organize Kangaroo in Malaysia since 2013. In Kangaroo 2024, there were more than 67,000 participants representing over 2078 schools from all over Malaysia.
Registration can ONLY be made by the teacher-in-charge in schools/tuition centers.
Mode of competition:
Offline (paper-based) ONLY. The competition will be conducted in the school/tuition center under the supervision of the teacher-in-charge
Competition date: 30 April 2025
Fee per student:
Visit https://www.kangaroomath.com.my/ or https://www.facebook.com/KangarooMathMalaysia/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at 018-3920204 (Mrs. Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nad) / 03-41420441 (Hotline).
IMONST is a national-level Mathematical Olympiad that tests the talent and skills of students in problem-solving and mathematical thinking, with all the thrilling questions that will bring out the best in the students.
Competition Date: 25 September 2025
Competition Time: 2:00PM - 4:45PM
Fee: RM50 per participant registering under school (RM45 for early-bird registration until May 1st 2025), RM60 per participant registering individually (RM54 for early-bird registration)
Competition Mode: Online
Language: English and Bahasa Melayu
IMONST categories:
Topics: Combinatorics, Geometry, Number Theory, Algebra
All IMONST participants will be eligible for PAJSK marks! Physical medals will be delivered to the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medalists, and all participants will receive physical and digital certificates.
IMONST winners will be able to represent Malaysia in various international mathematical competitions.
Please refer to the sample papers provided on our website below.
Visit https://imo-malaysia.org/imonst1/ for more info.
For assistance and inquiries, please get in touch with the following numbers:
011-26814143 (Mr Haziman), 018-3920204 (Mrs Surie), 018-3604143 (Mrs Jannah), 011-54081455 (Mr Zafree)
Dive into the world of discovery and excellence with the largest science competition in Malaysia. Kancil Science Competition had over 101,000 students from more than 5,000 schools who have already embarked on a thrilling scientific adventure since 2018! In Kancil 2024, there were 26,205 participants representing over 1,616 schools from all over Malaysia. This annual science competition is open to all primary, secondary, and pre-university students. This competition serves as a crucial stepping stone for students to be selected for the national team and represent Malaysia in the prestigious International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2025 that will be hosted in Russia.
Don’t miss the chance to be part of this scientific community. Join us in the Kancil Science Competition, where discovery knows no bounds, and the journey of scientific exploration is shared by thousands across the nation!
Registration can ONLY be made by the Teacher-in-charge in schools or tuition centers.
Mode of competition: Offline (paper-based). The competition will be conducted in the schools/tuition centers under the supervision of the teacher-in-charge
Competition date: 18 June 2025
Fee per student:
Visit https://kancilscience.my/ or our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/KancilScienceMalaysia for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs. Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nad) or 03-4142 0441 (Hotline).
Beaver Computational Thinking Competition is an ONLINE competition that introduces computer science concepts and logical problem-solving to students. Beaver Computational Thinking Competition is a part of the International Bebras effort. As of 2024, nearly 4 million participants from more than 70 countries have participated in Beaver worldwide with 5,187 of them registered as participants from Malaysia. For more information on the Bebras initiative, visit www.bebras.org.
Type of registration:
1) School (by teacher-in-charge ONLY)
2) Individual (by parents/participant)
Competition date:
Fee per student:
Visit https://beaver.my/ or Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BeaverMalaysia/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at 018-3920204 (Mrs. Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nadhirah) / 03-41430572 (Hotline).
Islamic Schools Mathematical Olympiad, atau ISMO merupakan salah satu program pertandingan Olimpiad dalam peringkat pusingan pertama di bawah projek Mathematical Champions' Summit anjuran Jawatankuasa IMO Malaysia. Pertandingan ISMO ini disasarkan kepada murid-murid yang belajar di Sekolah Beraliran Agama Islam (SBAI) seluruh Malaysia. Sekolah-sekolah yang dianggap Sekolah Beraliran Agama Islam adalah melibatkan namun tidak terhad kepada SMKA, SMA/SAM, SBPI, MRSM Ul-Albab, sekolah-sekolah persendirian seperti Maahad Tahfiz dan juga sekolah-sekolah antarabangsa yang mempunyai aliran agama.
Pertandingan ini bertujuan untuk memilih dan mengetengahkan murid-murid yang mempunyai kepakaran matematik yang tinggi dalam kalangan murid sekolah beraliran agama Islam.
Program dalam talian ini mengambil masa selama 3 hari yang bermula dengan Bengkel Matematik Olimpiad sebagai persediaan untuk para peserta agar lebih memahami format dan bentuk soalan. Pada hari ketiga program ini, para peserta akan menjawab soalan-soalan Matematik Olimpiad. Pemarkahan dan pengumuman pemenang akan diberikan pada hari Sabtu minggu seterusnya.
Semua pelajar SBAI di Malaysia dijemput untuk menyertai ISMO, sebagai satu platform untuk mempelajari ilmu-ilmu matematik yang mendalam, teknik penyelesaian masalah, dan cara berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis.
Hanya peserta yang menduduki ujian ISMO sahaja akan menerima sijil.
Semua penerima pingat emas dalam penganugerahan individu daripada setiap kategori untuk ISMO akan dijemput menyertai pusingan kedua Projek MCS iaitu pertandingan Mathematical Champions’ Summit (MCS) secara percuma. Pertandingan MCS ini akan dijalankan secara bersemuka pada bulan November 2025 di tempat yang akan diumumkan. Makanan dan penginapan disediakan
Jenis Pendaftaran:
1) Sekolah (oleh guru yang bertugas SAHAJA)
2) Individu (oleh ibu bapa/peserta)
Tarikh akhir pendaftaran:
Tarikh bengkel:
Tarikh pertandingan:
Visit our website for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at 011-2681 4143 (Mr. Haziman) / 011-54081455 (Mr. Zafree) / 018-3920204 (Mrs. Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah)
The Geography Explorer Competition is a yearly online event for primary and secondary school students across Malaysia. It offers an exciting opportunity for students to explore and learn about the world around them through engaging challenges and activities.
Primary (Standard 4 up to Standard 6) & secondary school students (Form 1 up to Form 5) from all over Malaysia are invited to join this competition. The aim of this competition is to instill interest and to give exposure to students in this field.
The competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 12 December 2024
Competition date: 22 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 / Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Please follow academic year 2024/2025
Visit https://mygeo-olympiad.my for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nad) or 03-4142 0441(Hotline).
Economics Explorer Competition is an online-based competition for primary, secondary and pre-university students which aims to challenge students’ economics knowledge through economics, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and business.
Primary (Standard 4 up to Standard 6) & secondary school students (Form 1 up to Form 5) from all over Malaysia are invited to join this competition. The aim of this competition is to instill interest and to give exposure to students in this field.
The competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 12 December 2024
Competition date: 22 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & Pre-University / Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & Pre-University
Please follow academic year 2024/2025.
Visit https://myeo.my/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) or 03-4143 0572 (Hotline).
Biology Explorer Competition is an annual, online national school-level competition that introduces general knowledge about biology and life sciences.
This competition’s focus on students from Standard 4 up to Standard 6 (primary school) and Form 1 up to Form 6 (secondary school) allows for a broad range of participants with varying levels of academic backgrounds.
The aim of this competition is to encourage students’ interest and give exposure to students about biology and life sciences.
The competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 12 December 2024
Competition date: 22 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 / Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Visit https://mybo-olympiad.my/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) or 03-4143 0572 (Hotline).
Earth Explorer Competition is an annual, online national school-level competition that introduces general knowledge about the study of earth and neighboring planets in space.
Primary (Standard 4 up to Standard 6) & secondary school students (Form 1 up to Form 5) from all over Malaysia are invited to join this competition. The aim of this competition is to instill interest and to give exposure to students in this field.
The competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 12 December 2024
Competition date: 21 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 / Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Please follow academic year 2024/2025.
Visit https://myeso.com.my/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) or 03-4143 0572 (Hotline).
Language Explorer Competition is an annual, national level competition that introduces language and linguistics knowledge to primary school, secondary school and pre-university students in Malaysia. This competition aims to introduce the world of Language and Computational Linguistics as early as possible to the younger generations. The winners in secondary categories from this competition will be selected for the Malaysian Computational Linguistics Olympiad (MyCLO), and also Asia Pacific Linguistics Olympiad (APLO). Students will also have an opportunity to be trained by professionals in the linguistics field. MyCLO is a platform to choose the best eight students to represent Malaysia in the International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL).
Questions in Language Explorer Competition consist of basic language and computational linguistics such as basics syntax (the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language), sentences order, word order and basic phonetics (a branch of linguistics that studies how humans produce and perceive sounds, or in the case of sign languages, the equivalent aspects of sign). This competition consist of fill in the blank questions. All the data you need to crack the whole puzzle is in the question itself, thus, you are expected to sharpen your logical thinking skills. Questions can usually be answered using creative and critical thinking skills, so participants do not need to be multilingual. Computational Linguistics Competition can be describe as interesting puzzles using languages. No explanation is required in the first round. Students need to answer in the answer script provided by secretariat. There is 5 sets of questions with 20 marks each.
The Language Explorer Competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 12 December 2024
Competition date: 21 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2 , 3 , 4, 5 and 6 / Year 7, 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 & 12
Please follow academic year 2024/2025
Visit https://myclo.my/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) or / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nad) or 03-4142 0441(Hotline).
Galaxy Explorer Competition is an annual, online national school-level competition that introduces general knowledge about the study of everything in the universe that is beyond the Earth’s atmosphere (example: solar system, planets).
Primary and Secondary school students (Standard 4 until Form 5) from all over Malaysia are invited to join this competition. The aim of this competition is to instill interest and to give exposure to students in this field.
The competition will be conducted ONLINE.
Registration date:
Early bird registration: 14 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
Normal registration: 1 November 2024 - 10 December 2024
Competition date: 21 December 2024
Registration :
1) School (by teacher-in-charge)
2) Individual (by parent / participant)
Category :
Primary : Standard 4, 5 & 6 / Year 4, 5 & 6
Secondary : Form 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & Pre-University / Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 &12
Visit https://myao.my/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at +6018-3920204 (Mrs Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 010-2722849 (Ms. Najia) / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nad) or 03-4142 0441(Hotline).
Kangaroo Math Competition is currently the world's largest math competition with more than 6 million participants from 100 countries in 2024. Malaysia was inducted into AKSF in 2012 and is sanctioned by AKSF to organize Kangaroo in Malaysia since 2013. In Kangaroo 2024, there were more than 67,000 participants representing over 2078 schools from all over Malaysia.
Registration can ONLY be made by the teacher-in-charge in schools/tuition centers.
Mode of competition:
Offline (paper-based) ONLY. The competition will be conducted in the school/tuition center under the supervision of the teacher-in-charge
Competition date: 30 April 2025
Fee per student:
Visit https://www.kangaroomath.com.my/ or https://www.facebook.com/KangarooMathMalaysia/ for more info.
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Hotline at 018-3920204 (Mrs. Suri) / 018-3604143 (Mrs. Jannah) / 016-2574143 (Mrs. Nad) / 03-41420441 (Hotline).
School holidays are back! Unsure what to do during your school holiday? Looking for a fun and proactive way to spend time with friends? Let's join our KANCIL SCIENCE MASTERMIND CAMP during SCHOOL HOLIDAY now!
We excitedly inform you that we are organising KANCIL SCIENCE MASTERMIND CAMP just for you!
KANCIL SCIENCE MASTERMIND CAMP is tailored for two (2) different categories:
Kancil Science Competition requires smart strategies and clear plans to stand out. That’s why KANCIL SCIENCE MASTERMIND CAMP provides:
Don’t wait any longer! Join our KANCIL SCIENCE MASTERMIND CAMP and explore the wonders of science with us!
The registration period will end on January 31, 2025.
Discover exciting science experiments and activities! Visit kancilscience.my/mastermind-camp-2025 to learn more about our Kancil Science Mastermind Camp 2025.